South Tyrolean Castle Institute
The South Tyrolean Castle Institute (Südtiroler Burgeninstitut) was founded in 1963 to challenge the public and private duty to preserve castles and palaces and to promote their research and documentation.
The association, as the owner of Taufers and Trostburg castles, takes on the exemplary responsibility for the preservation of these castles.
To deepen the association’s purpose and foster exchange in the fields of castle studies and monument preservation, various resources and activities are provided: an extensive specialist library, cultural events, partnerships with other organizations, the publication of the castle studies journal ARX (Latin for “castle”), the ARX publication series, the “Burgen” series, the South Tyrolean Castle Museum at Trostburg with its permanent exhibition “Castles – Structures of History,” as well as support for individual castle preservation initiatives, such as the founding of new castle and museum curatorships or advisory centers, especially the “South Tyrolean Castle Road.”
Through its members (currently around 390 individuals and associations), the South Tyrolean Castle Institute connects owners, administrators, researchers, and friends of castles and palaces, thereby indirectly representing a large portion of the publicly accessible castles in South Tyrol. Membership applications require a recommendation from a current member. The board of directors decides on the approval of membership (for an annual fee of currently €60.00). The official language of the association is German.
The work of the South Tyrolean Castle Institute is supported through voluntary contributions, tax allocations, anonymously through the tax declaration (“five per thousand” rule) by providing the tax number 80005460219, or through (tax-deductible) donations via bank transfer to the South Tyrolean Castle Institute, Palais Toggenburg, Runkelsteinerstraße 1, 39100 Bolzano, Raiffeisen Landesbank Südtirol AG, SWIFT/BIC RZSBIT2B, IBAN IT 02 L 03493 11600 000300035882, as well as through public contributions.
The South Tyrolean Castle Institute was entered into the regional register of volunteer organizations by decree of the Governor No. 141/1 dated September 30, 1999, pursuant to Regional Law No. 11 of July 1, 1993.
The volunteer-run association “South Tyrolean Castle Institute” aims to protect historic fortifications, castles, and residential buildings as monuments of art, as testimonies of regional history and culture, and as an essential part of the landscape.
(Statute, Art. 2, § 1)
The History of the Association
October 5 – Ansitz Ringberg in Kaltern – Baron Bernhard von Hohenbühel (1st President, 1963–1993), Robert von Fioreschy (2nd President, 1993–1998), and Count Ernst Khuen call for the founding of a “Friends of Castles Association” at the South Tyrolean Castle Museum in the Propst-Josef-Weingartner room. This leads to the establishment of the “South Tyrolean Castle Association,” which seeks to advocate for both private and public responsibility in preserving castles and palaces as monuments of art and regional history, as essential components of the landscape.
The first goal was the creation of a “Castle Archive.” The collected floor plans were incorporated into the Tiroler Burgenbuch (Tyrolean Castle Book) by Oswald Count Trapp, which began in 1972, and into the South Tyrolean Castle Map published by the South Tyrolean Castle Institute in 1995.
March 9, 1967 – On the recommendation of Oswald Count Trapp, Walther Amonn, Baron Bernhard von Hohenbühel, Robert von Fioreschy, Georg Innerebner, Count Ernst Khuen, Friedrich von Malfèr, and Erich Pattis founded the “Trostburg Limited Liability Company” to acquire the deteriorating Trostburg in the Eisack Valley from the Counts of Wolkenstein-Trostburg, with the support of South Tyrol, North Tyrol, and Bavaria, and to save it from becoming a ruin.
May 1st — The Castle Association, which takes care of the maintenance work together with the company, leases the Trostburg and moves its headquarters there.
October 5 – In a letter from the president of the South Tyrolean Castle Association, Prof. Dr. Berthold von Zingerle is asked to establish a youth group within the association to help save Trostburg Castle and to organize an annual summer camp. Although no formal group is founded, during the restoration work at Trostburg (1972-1977), a student group called the “Trostburg Youth” forms around Georg von Zingerle and Gottfried Wackerle, actively supporting the restoration efforts with dedication.
March 20 – Castle conference of the “German-speaking Castle Associations” at Stiebar Castle in Gresten (Erlauftal) with Leopold Count Goess and Max Josef von Allmayr-Beck (Austria), Hannibal von Lüttichau-Bärenstein and Max Baron von Fürstenberg (Germany), Ewald im Hof von Stürler and Ernst Bitterli (Switzerland), Baron Bernhard von Hohenbühel (Italy, South Tyrol), and Franz Count Spreti as well as Fridolin Stumpf (Free State of Bavaria).
July 1 – The South Tyrolean Castle Association becomes the South Tyrolean Castle Institute as a legal entity under private law, “in order to become a significant dialogue partner and collaborator.” The South Tyrolean Castle Institute, together with the German Castle Association (Deutsche Burgenvereinigung e. V.), the Austrian Castle Association (Österreichischer Burgenverein), the Swiss Castle Association (Schweizerischer Burgenverein), and the Association for the Preservation of Private Monuments in Bavaria[der Denkmalpflege in Südtirol] (Verein zur Erhaltung privater Baudenkmäler in Bayern e. V.), establishes the Working Group of German-Speaking Castle Associations (ADV) at Feyregg Castle in Bad Hall, Upper Austria, to promote cross-border cooperation in castle preservation.
With a commemorative ceremony for the 600th birthday of the minstrel Oswald von Wolkenstein, Trostburg Castle was opened to the public.
August 15, 1977 — The South Tyrolean Castle Institute acquires the Taufers Castle in Sand in Taufers (with a contract dated November 15, 1977).
June 10, 1978 – His Excellency Auxiliary Bishop Heinrich Forer re-consecrated the castle chapel at Trostburg, dedicated to St. Anthony the Abbot, after it had been desecrated during World War II.
November 11th, Trostburg in Waidbruck – Together with partner associations in Bavaria and Austria, the magazine “ARX – Castles and Palaces in Austria, Bavaria and South Tyrol” is founded. It is published twice a year.
December 19th – The shareholders of Trostburg Ges.m.b.H. donate their shares of the Trostburg to the South Tyrolean Castle Institute.
Acquisition of memorial pieces from the important castle historian Provost Josef Weingartner (1885–1957) and of a collection of castle models from Ludwig Mitterdorfer (1885–1963).
1986–1990 – Rental of Gandegg Castle in Eppan and restoration of the chapel and first floor.
August 10, Gandegg in Eppan – On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the South Tyrolean Castle Institute in 1988, the founding of a youth group, modeled after the “Trostburg Youth,” was proposed, led by Hans-Christoph Baron Hohenbühel and Maximilian Count Deym, who were joined by Sabina von Walther, Konstantin Stix, and Thomas Count Mamming. More than 70 young people aged 18 to 35 were enthusiastic about the idea and founded a “South Tyrolean Castle Institute Youth” with its own statutes. They were granted a small budget and representation on the board of directors (later with voting rights). Under the leadership of presidents Wolfgang von Klebelsberg, Alexander von Hohenbühel, Hans-Christoph von Hohenbühel, once again Alexander von Hohenbühel, Georg von Eyrl, Walter Landi, and Alix Eyrl, the youth group enjoyed a highly active club life, making significant contributions to the association and its castles. However, the last elected youth board, led by Auguste von Hohenbühel, had to acknowledge the end of this era of enthusiasm after more than 30 years.
Foundation of the Scientific Advisory Board. The Scientific Advisory Board was a sub-organization of the South Tyrolean Castle Institute that was active from 1990 to 1999 and held scientific colloquia on castle studies and castle research at least once a year and encouraged research and the exchange of work results in order to serve the Association’s purpose. The coordinator Dr. Arch. Hanns v. Klebelsberg (+1999) led the Scientific Advisory Board from 1990 to 1999 with great commitment. His efforts were primarily aimed at opening the Franzensfeste fortress, the careful use of Runkelstein Castle and saving the Hohenhaus mansion in Gufidaun from demolition. Under his leadership, several topics—such as the castle names, heraldry on castles, castles and churches, 19th century fortresses, structural damage, wall moisture, plaster and paint on facades, and the growth of organisms in walls—were approached and deepened. Further scientific work was taken over by other Association committees.
Creation of a website (further developed in 2002, 2009, 2023)
Baron Carl-Philipp von Hohenbühel becomes the new president.
First European Heritage Day and completion of a ten-year restoration cycle at Taufers Castle.
After a corresponding change in the statutes, the South Tyrolean Castle Institute was able to establish itself on September 30, 1999 with decree of the Governor No. 141/1 based on the L.G. No. 11 dated July 1st, 1993 in the national directory of voluntary organizations and is on an equal footing with the ONLUS associations. This was followed by the recognition as a voluntary organization and the entry in the corresponding state directory in 2023.
May 11th – Trostburg becomes the South Tyrolean Castle Museum with the opening of the permanent exhibition “Castles – Buildings of History”
Founding of the “Castles” series in collaboration with the publishing house Schnell&Steiner in Regensburg.
Photographic coverage of all the castles in South Tyrol as a snapshot.
Completion of the 10-year cycle of facade and roof restoration of the Trostburg.
December 29, 2010, Gleifheim residence in Eppan — Decision to purchase a property adjacent to the Trostburg (parcels of the Schloss, Burgfrieden, Michaelsthor and Gallrein farms) as a result of the establishment of Burgfrieden GmbH for the further management of all agricultural and forestry grounds.
2013–2020 – Übernahme der Verwaltung der Walther-Amonn-Stiftung, im Konkreten bedeutet dies die Obsorge über das Eppaner Schloss Moos-Schulthaus und über die einst zum Ansitz Rosengarten (Payr zum Thurn und Bach) gehörige Kapelle Maria Opferung “im Rosengarten”. Der Verwaltungsauftrag wird mit enormem Engagement für die Instandhaltung, Verwaltung, Restaurierung, Inventarisation und wissenschaftliche Erforschung dieses Schlosses übernommen. Ferner wird das Stiftungsvermögen durch Zukäufe von Wohnungen im Ansitz Schulthaus wesentlich erweitert. Die Tätigkeit fand am 31.12.2020 ihren Abschluss, so dass sich das Schloss wieder im perfekten Zustand befindet und die besten Voraussetzungen für eine weitere kulturelle Tätigkeit aufweist.
– the office moves from Obstplatz 25 to the Palais Toggenburg.
The President of the South Tyrolean Castle Institute Carl-Philipp Baron Hohenbühel is appointed President of Hocheppan GmbH. The Association supports his work on the Hocheppan castle ruins and the small Kreidenturm castle complex underneath.
Expansion of the access road to Trostburg with significant financial support from the state of South Tyrol and the municipality of Waidbruck
Purchase of significant furniture to furnish the Trostburg.
Large exhibition to mark the 60th founding anniversary at Trostburg with redesign of the website and completion of the inner courtyard design in Taufers Castle.
Further activities and information
In addition to castle visits and cultural events in castles, practical exercises, lectures, excursions, conferences and seminars also make a significant contribution to the discussion of castles.
Große Goldene Ehrenmedaille des Südtiroler Burgeninstituts
für herausragende Leistungen von Vereinsmitgliedern im Sinne der Vereinsziele
Countess Agnes Enzenberg, Board Member (1988-2017), for her commitment to fostering collaboration within the board and her support of the Trostburg specialist library (2018).
Sigrid Pernthaler, Board Member (2004-2010), for her dedication to the association’s apartment at Taufers Castle and her active support of numerous projects, particularly for her contributions to landscape preservation and cultural heritage conservation (2018).
Dr. Peter von Hellberg, Vice President (2004-2007), Board Member (2001-2004), Auditor (1977-1993), and Scientific Advisor (1990-1999), for his many years of dedication to the association and its goals, particularly since 1984 as a legal and tax advisor, and for his contributions to heritage preservation in Eppan (2018).
Great Medal of Honor from the South Tyrolean Castle Institute for deserving individuals
H.S.H. Alexander Prince Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sayn, Honorary President of the German Castle Association (Deutsche Burgenvereinigung e.V.), President of the German Castle Association (1986-2013), and of Europa Nostra, on the occasion of his 80th birthday, for his contributions to monument preservation and castle studies, particularly for his long-term support of the ARX journal, Castles and Palaces in Bavaria, Austria, and South Tyrol (2024).
Dr. Georg Count Spiegelfeld-Schneeburg, for his contributions to monument preservation in Upper Austria and his achievements for the South Tyrolean Castle Institute and the ARX journal, Castles and Palaces in Bavaria, Austria, and South Tyrol (2023).
Bodo Ramelow, Minister-President of Thuringia, for the excellent cooperation between Thuringian Castle Road and the Thuringian Castles and Gardens Foundation with the South Tyrolean Castle Institute (2016).
Certificate of honor from the South Tyrolean Castle Institute for deserving members
Employee awards
DDr. Alexander Maier, for his 20 years of service as Castellan of Taufers Castle (2024).
Petra Niedziella M.A., chief editor and editorial manager of the ARX journal, Castles and Palaces in Bavaria, Austria, and South Tyrol since 1986 (2021).
Walter Silgoner, for decades of dedicated service as accountant and secretary of the South Tyrolean Castle Institute.
Richard Ignaz Rieder, for several years of service in leadership and management of Taufers Castle.
Theres Gröber, for decades of dedicated service as a guide at Trostburg and for her work in landscape maintenance around Trostburg (Honorary Plate).
In memory of the deceased honorary presidents and honorary members

Martin Christoph Tschurtschenthaler von Helmheim
Board Member (1996-2013), for his dedication to all matters of the association, especially for his contributions to cultural heritage, such as his work in the field of the South Tyrolean organ landscape and the preservation of the Ritten summer retreat and the Ritten Railway (2018), † April 30, 2024.

Dr. med. Hans Mair, Regensburg
For his significant contributions to the Trostburg Library (2023), † February 9, 2024.

Prelate Dr. Johannes Chrysostomos Giner CR
Provost Emeritus of Neustift, for his priestly service (2006-2017) at Taufers Castle (2018), † February 24, 2024.

Dr. Antonia Countess Marzani
President of the “Associazione delle Dimore Storiche Italiane”, Trentino Section,
for the successful collaboration between the Italian Association – Trentino Section and the South Tyrolean Castle Institute (2016), † 2016.

Johannes J. Trapp, Count of Matsch (September 25, 2019)
For his dedication to Churburg, particularly for founding the “Churburg Economic Talks.” † January 19, 2024.

Gr. Uff. Dr. Bernhard Freiherr von Hohenbühel (1922-1999) Honorary President 1993-1999 founder of the South Tyrolean Castle Association, first President 1963-1977, co-partner of Trostburg Ges.m.b.H. 1967-1981, first president of the South Tyrolean Castle Institute 1977-1993, co-founder of the working group of German-speaking castle associations, co-founder of the magazine ARX, founder of the Scientific Advisory Board, sponsor of the South Tyrolean Castle Institute Youth, honorary president with a seat and vote on the board of directors 1993-1999.

Hofrat Dr. Oswald Trapp Graf von Matsch (1899-1988)
Honorary member 1981-1988 board of directors of the South Tyrolean Castle Association 1963-1977, advisory board of the South Tyrolean Castle Institute 1977-1983, founding member and sponsor of Trostburg Ges.m.b.H., publisher of the Tyrolean Castle Book and long-time state curator in Tyrol, honorary member 1981.

Cav. Gr. Cr. Dr. Silvius Magnago (1914-2010) Honorary member 1981-2010 sponsor of Trostburg Ges.m.b.H., former state governor. D. of South Tyrol, honorary member of the South Tyrolean Castle Institute in 1981.

Economist Eduard Wallnöfer (1913-1989) Honorary member 1981-1989 , sponsor of Trostburg Ges.m.b.H., Governor of Tyrol, honorary member of the South Tyrolean Castle Institute 1981.

Comm. Walter Amonn (1898-1989) Honorary member 1981-1989 board member of the South Tyrolean Castle Association 1963-1977, co-partner 1967-1981 and first sole manager of Trostburg Ges.m.b.H., honorary member 1981.

Cav. Gr. Cr. Dr. Robert Fioreschy Edler von Weinfeld (1919-2003), Honorary Member 2000-2003, Co-founder of the South Tyrolean Castle Association, first Vice President (1963-1977), co-partner (1967-1981), and second sole administrator of the Trostburg Ltd., Vice President (1977-1993), President of the South Tyrolean Castle Institute (1993-1998), and Honorary Member in 2000.

Msgr. Prof. Dr. Josef Prader (1915-2006) honorary member 2002-2006 Sponsor of the South Tyrolean Castle Institute and Taufers Castle 1977-2006, official and papal consultor, honorary member of the South Tyrolean Castle Institute 2002.

DDr. Karl Wolfsgruber (1917-2009) Honorary member 2007-2009 sponsor of the South Tyrolean Castle Institute as State Conservator of South Tyrol working to ensure good cooperation between official and private monument preservation and as a member of the South Tyrolean Castle Institute in his active participation in the Association’s activities, director of the diocesan museum and archive a. D., cathedral provost a. D., canon emeritus, honorary member of the South Tyrolean Castle Institute 2007.

Georg Graf Enzenberg (1926-2016) honorary member 2007-2016 Supporter of the South Tyrolean Castle Association and the South Tyrolean Castle Institute in the area of private monument preservation, in particular through the exemplary conservation measures on the Hocheppan and Neuhaus castle ruins and the preservation of other architectural and cultural monuments belonging to his family, Honorary member of the South Tyrolean Castle Institute 2007.

Albert Graf Fugger von Glött (1932-2020) Honorary member 2009-2020 Supporter of the ARX, 1st Chairman of the Association for the Preservation of Private Monuments and Other Cultural Assets (1990-2008), State Monument Council and MdAG German landowner Associations in Bavaria. Honorary member of the South Tyrolean Castle Institute 2009.

Library catalogue
The Trostburg specialist library operates as a reference library and is currently housed mainly in the office of the South Tyrolean Castle Institute (and only partially at Trostburg). The collection of the hand library on Tyrolean castle studies includes works on castle studies, monument preservation, art history, history, and various auxiliary sciences. In addition to specialized journals on castle studies, the complete edition of the monthly journal Der Schlern is also available for consultation. External users can access the library on a case-by-case basis by contacting the library staff or the secretariat.
The catalog of the castle studies hand library in Bolzano, the content of the journal ARX, the Hans Mair Tyrolean collection at Trostburg, the book estate of Ludwig Walther Regele (Trostburg and Taufers), and the historical book collection at Taufers Castle are all digitally searchable. To schedule an appointment for use, please contact the South Tyrolean Castle Institute’s secretariat, Monday to Friday, 9 am to 12 pm: Runkelsteiner Str. 1 – Palais Toggenburg I-39100 Bolzano Tel. +39 0471 982 255 or the library management at
Since 1991, the responsible librarians have made lasting contributions to the development of the library, initially supported by Matthias von Guggenberg and Countess Barbara Mamming. Technical support was provided by Clemens Egger, with enthusiastic help from SBI President Carl-Philipp Baron Hohenbühel. Special thanks are extended to all donors of books, especially for the generous contributions from Dr. Hans Mair, Dr. Ludwig Walther Regele, and Countess Agnes Enzenberg. Assistance in cataloging the books was provided by Armin Niedermeier, Alessia Vivchar, Alexander Maier, Thekla Kollmann, and Teresa Marie Ploner. Gratitude is also owed to P. Plazidus Hungerbühler OSB for saving the library of Schloss Moos-Schulthaus during its management by the South Tyrolean Castle Institute.
The Vision of Trostburg as the “Castle of Castles” The idea of building a hand library for castle studi
The idea of building a hand library for castle studies had naturally emerged as early as 1963 with the founding of the South Tyrolean Castle Association. However, it wasn’t until the establishment of the South Tyrolean Castle Institute Youth (1989) and the Scientific Advisory Board (1990) that this idea began to be realized in 1991.
The board’s goal was to adapt Trostburg Castle as an attractive headquarters for the association. In addition to spaces for the youth, there were plans for a castle and association archive as well as a castle studies library. Practical considerations later led to a partial relocation of the library to the office in Bolzano. Nevertheless, in 1999, the vision of Trostburg as the “Castle of Castles” was born—featuring a castle museum and a space dedicated to castle research.
For the time being, the Trostburg specialist library operates as a reference library, providing materials for those interested in deepening their knowledge of castle studies. Since 2012/13, it has been enhanced by the “Dr. Hans Mair Tyrolean Collection” and, as of 2024, by the newly established “Dr. Ludwig Walther Regele Collection.”
Parts of the latter are housed at Taufers Castle, which also contains a historical book collection. This collection was cataloged between 2010 and 2022 as part of the “EHBS – Survey of Historical Libraries in South Tyrol” and should be accessible through the South Tyrolean Library Association.
Catalog Search
Searches primarily by words in the title or by author names. By clicking on the result, the full details are displayed (including position number).
- For the “Dr. Hans Mair Tyrolean Collection,” which has not yet been fully digitized, there is an additional printed author, location, and keyword index available at the Trostburg and Bolzano locations. The collection is largely organized by series titles.
- The Dr. Regele estate is additionally marked with “NR” inventory numbers alongside the position number (xxx-xxxx). The first block of the position number corresponds to the shelf number.
- The book collection of the Trostburg specialist castle studies library, located at the South Tyrolean Castle Institute in Bolzano, Palais Toggenburg, Runkelsteiner Str. 1 (as of March 11, 2013), is cataloged with the signature FBTB x-x-xxx, where the first block represents the cabinet number, the second the shelf number from top to bottom, and the third the book number on the shelf.
Burgfrieden GmbH
Burgfrieden GmbH is a simple agricultural company of the South Tyrolean Castle Institute. It is the owner of the forest and meadow areas of the former Gallrain and Burgfrieden farms in the immediate vicinity of Trostburg and manages the agricultural and forestry areas that belong to Trostburg or Burgfrieden GmbH and Taufers Castle.
Sole Administrator: Dr. Carl-Philipp Baron von Hohenbühel, born July 25, 1957, in Bolzano
General Business Address:
Burgfrieden GmbH – Agricultural Company
Burgfriedenweg 22
I-39040 Waidbruck (BZ), Italy
Certified Email:
Raiffeisenkasse Überetsch/Girlan
IBAN: IT 42 J 08255 58163 000303005151
MwSt.-Nr: 02709510214
After the Counts of Wolkenstein-Trostburg had sold most of the farms belonging to Trostburg since 1288, by 1965 only the “Gallrain” farm and a relatively small meadow area directly adjacent to the castle grounds remained.
The “Gallrain” farm, still inhabited and cultivated at that time (along with parts of the “Burgfrieden” castle courtyard), was sold in 1965 to Milanese businessman Umberto Santoni. As a result, the Trostburg GmbH, founded in 1967 to acquire Trostburg, and the South Tyrolean Castle Association, which aimed to save Trostburg from ruin, were unable to purchase the property in its intended entirety. In 2010, the then-owner of the forest and meadows, along with the ruins of the farm, offered the property for repurchase. For the South Tyrolean Castle Institute, this was above all an ideological commitment.
In line with the statutes of the South Tyrolean Castle Institute, Burgfrieden GmbH, founded on January 21, 2011, was established as an agricultural and forestry company and became a 100% subsidiary of the South Tyrolean Castle Institute. Starting in 2025, the institute hopes to see the first oenological successes from the newly acquired vineyard areas.
2010 – Offer to repurchase the neglected estate, which had already fallen into ruin.
December 29, 2010 – At an extraordinary general meeting of the South Tyrolean Castle Institute in Gleifheim, Eppan, a resolution was passed to approve the purchase of the property Gallrein 10/I (shown in yellow on the map) in the municipality of Waidbruck (shown in pink), located in the immediate vicinity of Trostburg (shown in green, with the building in red). The purchase was approved for ideological reasons. The acquisition of the meadows below the castle hill was of central importance to the association in order to protect the entire ensemble from unwanted developments for future generations. Additionally, the purchase of the forests, fields, and meadows was aimed at securing the substance of Trostburg.
January 21, 2011 – Founding of “Burgfrieden GmbH” and purchase of the properties. This day marked the 5th anniversary of the death of Monsignor Josef Prader, who had made the purchase of Taufers Castle possible 33 years earlier, an acquisition that would have been unimaginable without the involvement of Trostburg. However, this purchase would not have been possible without Taufers Castle. With the acquisition of the Gallrein estate, a unit consisting of the former and historically attested farms of Trostburg, Michaelsthor (Waizer), Schwaitzer, and Gallrein was restored.
October 28, 2011 – Signing of the purchase contract on October 28, 2011, at the notary’s office of Herald Kleewein (Umberto, Liliana, and Cristina Santoni, Baron Carl Philipp von Hohenbühel). The properties belonging to Trostburg now cover a total area of 98 hectares, about 42% of the municipality of Waidbruck.
April 25, 2012 – Youth group hike through the Gallrein farm forest.
2012/13 – Management of the meadows and forests by Theres Gröber, Meinhard Gröber, and Irene Gröber.
25.10.2014 Opening of the Valpiol-Gallrain hiking trail on the occasion of the “750 years of Waidbruck” celebration
2016 An area of initially 100, later 1000 square meters, above the summer house on the Weier is cultivated by Ms. Brauns with local herbs for the production of teas etc.
2016/17 Integration of the Burgfrieden-Weg into the road network of the municipality of Waidbruck
2018 Repair of storm damage in the forests around Taufers Castle
December 2018/March 2019 – Start of construction for a new road route to Trostburg, including the relocation of high-voltage, black/gray water, and fiber-optic cables underground.
2021-2024 – Approval of vineyard rights.
2024 – Employment of Lukas Gröber and the first planting of vineyards in collaboration with the Eisack Valley Winery.
Further initiatives of the Association
Publications from the South Tyrolean Castle Institute can be ordered via the administration of the South Tyrolean Castle Institute:
Südtiroler Burgeninstitut
Runkelsteiner Str. 1
I-39100 Bozen
Tel. (0039) 0471 982255
Bank Details:
Raiffeisen Landesbank Südtirol AG
IBAN: IT 02 L 03493 11600 000300035882
Tax number (Codice fiscale): 80005460219
VAT number (Partita IVA): 03230730214
ARX Series of publications

“Burgen” Series

Castle Roads
South Tyrolean Castle Road
Here you will find an informative and beautifully designed list of all participating castles on the South Tyrolean Castle Road.
Castle Road Thuringia
Access here for more information on Castle Road Thuringia.
South Tyrolean Castle Road
Based on the South Tyrolean Castle Map published by the South Tyrolean Castle Institute in 1995, several online databases on South Tyrol’s castles (and beyond) have since been developed. One of these, which also includes literature up to the present (2016), is called “Alle Burgen.” To access this database of castles, please click on the link to “Alle Burgen.”
Hocheppan GmbH
Official website of Hocheppan:
Support for Hocheppan Castle
Since 2016, Hocheppan Castle has been owned by the municipality of Eppan. The municipality appointed Dr. Carl-Philipp Baron Hohenbühel, President of the South Tyrolean Castle Institute, as President of the Board of Directors of the municipal company. The South Tyrolean Castle Institute, through its GmbH, has since supported the municipality of Eppan in managing Hocheppan Castle. The cultural advisory board of Hocheppan GmbH, established in 2017, is largely composed of prominent members of the South Tyrolean Castle Institute, including Baron Alexander von Hohenbühel, Laura Kolowratnik, Walter Landi, Judith von Lutterotti, Hans von Lutz, Martin von Malfèr, Ute Oberrauch, and Siegfried de Rachewiltz.
At Hocheppan Castle, visitors can enjoy:
– A guided tour of the castle and its famous chapel
– A beautiful place to relax with stunning views
– A castle tavern offering traditional cuisine (for more information, please refer to the municipality of Eppan).
Shuttle Service
Nesti Shuttle, Car rental with driver Ernst Niedermayr 39057 Eppan Tel. +39 338 5879545 Email: